Evernote 是一款多功能笔记类应用,于 2008 年正式在美国发布,创始团队成立于美国硅谷。
2012 年五月初,Evernote 确认获得 7000 万美元融资,其中投资方包括中国宽带产 业基金(CBC Capital)在内。随后,Evernote 宣布进行全球化扩张战略,包括进入中国市场、收购其他企业、开发企业账户等。Evernote 用户已达 4700 余万,付费用户也在 200 万左右,其现金储备超过 1 亿美元,公司估值高达 10 亿美元。
2012 年 10 月,印象笔记正式在中国推出共享笔记本功能。 2012 年 12 月 1 日,印象笔记宣布其印象笔记百宝箱服务正式上线。 2013 年 1 月 31 日,印象笔记·墨笔 4.0 正式在 App Store 上线。 2013 年 8 月 29 日,印象笔记推出了 Windows Phone 平台全新的 4.0 版本。 印象笔记能帮你记住你想到的,看到的和体验到的一切。 你可以用它记录一条文字信息,保存一个网页,保存一张照片,截取你的屏幕。印象笔记能安全的保存这一切。
产品 logo
印象笔记的 Logo 是一个大象的标志。按 Evernote 的 CEO——PhilLibin 先生的原 话:在美国有一个说法,“An elephant never forgets.”(大象永远不会忘记事情),根据这 个典故,使用大象的形象作为记忆的标志。而大象的“折耳”则让人联想到文档图标或是一 本书的折叠页。[4]
印象笔记支持所有的主流平台系统,一处编辑,全平台之间可以同步。同时,印象笔记 支持 web 版和移动网页版,只要能上网的设备均可以在浏览器中打开进行操作。
文字、图片和链接全都可以保存下来,还可以添加高亮、箭头等标注。支持 Google Chrome、Safari、IE 7+,Firefox 和 Opera 等主流浏览器。[5]
搜索是印象笔记最具特色的功能,也是区别于国产云笔记软件的核心。印象笔记可以搜 索到图片内的印刷体中文和英文以及手写英文,此搜索对 PDF 文件、Excel、Word、PPT 中的中文和英文也同样有效[6] 。
印象笔记支持任意格式文件作为附件插入到笔记中,并实现跨平台同步,方便不同平台 之间的文件资料管理。
印象笔记在 2012 年 10 月推出了共享笔记本功能[7] ,允许不同用户之间共同编辑一个 笔记本,实现团队协作办公。
印象笔记支持快速保存微信[8] 、微博[9] 消息和文章、QQ浏览器、鲜果联播、豆果美食、 飞信短信客户端等大量第三方协作应用。
管理名片——用你的手机给名片拍张快照,就可以方便的保存和查找。 制作购物清单——使用复选框创建清单,可以让生活和工作更有条理。 计划一段旅行——规划您的下一次旅行。截取网页,地图和路线。拍摄风光,声 音,小吃,你旅行中的所见所闻。 策划和管理项目——在印象笔记中收集项目资料,制作项目计划,并用印象笔记共 享笔记本管理团队项目计划 记录课堂笔记——上课用手机或者电脑记录课堂笔记,并拍下课堂演示内容,甚至 用音频记录上课老师所讲内容,一个重点也不忘。
- 印象笔记·墨笔 iPad 平台上最独特易用的手写应用之一。
- 印象笔记·圈点在 Mac 的图片上,描个圆圈,做个注释,画个箭头,标出精彩之 处。
- 印象笔记·剪藏剪藏部分或全版网页上的文本、图像和链接。
适用于移动设备:iOS、watch OS、Android、Windows Phone、Blackberry[10] 等 适用于电脑:OS X、Windows
适用于可上网的设备:移动网页版和 web 版
Senior Software Engineer, iOS
Work as part of a small, super charged team coding in Object-C You own complex technical projects which span multiple teams from planning through execution and support adoption of software engineering standard methodologies.
Take responsibility for the overall planning, execution and success of high quality software releases. Constantly evaluate our success and lead change when necessary.
You will define evaluation criteria for new technologies and software development techniques, and drive their adoption when appropriate
We want someone who will provide leadership, skills development opportunities, and mentoring to engineers in a collaborative way, in addition to finding, hiring and retaining the best technical talent
You will assess and handle product risks including handling engineering schedules, while minimizing technical debt and improving the quality of the technology Requirements:
Ability to write clean an reusable code
Extraordinary engineering background and extensive experience with Objective-C
5+ years software development experience and 1+ years management experience in leading small and agile teams building commercial software products.
Deep understanding of client-server architectures and associated software design patterns
Excellent verbal and written communicator
Ability to clearly distill complex and ambiguous situations into actionable plans for your team
We are looking for someone who supports team career growth and job happiness
We are committed to an inclusive and diverse YXBJ. We believe that different perspectives lead to better ideas, and better ideas allow us to better understand the needs and interests of our diverse community. We welcome people of different backgrounds, experiences, abilities and perspectives and are an equal opportunity employer.
A strong communicator in both Chinese and English Earned a BS or MS in Computer Science or gained equivalent experience.
Senior Software Engineer, Android
• Work as part of a small, super charged team coding in Java on Android devices
• You own complex technical projects which span multiple teams from planning through execution and support adoption of software engineering standard methodologies.
• Take responsibility for the overall planning, execution and success of high quality software releases. Constantly evaluate our success and lead change when necessary.
• You will define evaluation criteria for new technologies and software development techniques, and drive their adoption when appropriate
• We want someone who will provide leadership, skills development opportunities, and mentoring to engineers in a collaborative way, in addition to finding, hiring and retaining the best technical talent
• You will assess and handle product risks including handling engineering schedules, while minimizing technical debt and improving the quality of the technology
• Ability to write clean an reusable code
• Extraordinary engineering background and extensive experience with Android platform
• Strong and solid experience for Android development (iOS or Linux experience is plus).
• 5+ years software development experience and 1+ years management experience in leading small and agile teams building commercial software product.
• Deep understanding of client-server architectures and associated software design patterns
• Excellent verbal and written communicator
• Ability to clearly distill complex and ambiguous situations into actionable plans for your team
• We are looking for someone who supports team career growth and job happiness
• We are committed to an inclusive and diverse YXBJ. We believe that different perspectives lead to better ideas, and better ideas allow us to better understand the needs and interests of our diverse community. We welcome people of different backgrounds, experiences, abilities and perspectives and are an equal opportunity employer.
• A strong communicator in both Chinese and English.
• BS or MS in Computer Science or gained equivalent experience